Portland Mold Problems
Portland, Oregon's wet climate leads to home mold problems. Mold is often found during the home inspection in places the homeowner might typically not visit, like the attic, crawlspace, or even inside the walls. Most home inspectors in Portland use moisture readers as part of their process. However, mold is very treatable and there are many low cost remedies, especially if the growth is caught early.

Test for Portland Mold, Home Inspection Tips
An unmistakably mold-stained wall, ceiling, or shower stall ranks among the least appealing sights in any home, let alone one you’re shopping on the red-hot Portland real estate market. Today, we’re going to take a look at how to identify and test for mold, how to clean it up, and how to hopefully mitigate some […]

Portland Home Mold Inspection, How to Test 2022
Mold is something we all contend with here in Portland, no matter where we live or the ages of our homes. Of course, mold occurs in varying degrees and can be more prevalent in some homes than others, especially if left unchecked and untreated. But the truth is, mold is everywhere. Microscopic mold spores travel […]

How to Test your Home for Mold: 2021 Update
Think your Portland home might have mold? Well, you’d be correct – but don’t panic! Airborne mold exists just about everywhere. And since mold loves moisture, it also loves Portland. The trick is that mold spores float through the air looking for a wet place to land and grow. If you keep those wet spots […]

How to Test Your Portland Home for Mold: 2020 Update
Portland homeowners: Is your home harboring mold? That was a trick question because mold occurs just about everywhere on the planet, including homes in Portland, Oregon. Invisible, or “ambient” mold spores float on the air waiting for an appropriate place to land and form the green, black and blue colonies we’re all familiar with. The […]
I am so grateful for my choice in Stephen. Being able to have total confidence in him made the experience of selling my house stress free. He is friendly, focused, professional, and to the point. Best Realtor I have ever used, period.