Portland Real Estate Maps
If the Portland real estate market is all about location, then Portland maps are our greatest tool. Having the right map can make all the difference in researching your next real estate purchase. Stephen FitzMaurice, Realtor licensed since 2003, writes multiple articles a year pointing out the best available Portland maps.
If you’re considering buying a home in the next twelve months, Kami Price, buyers specialist would love to hear what you’re looking for. Call today to set an appointment.
Kami Price, Realtor
Represented Hundreds of Buyers
Licensed since 2004
If you’re thinking of selling your home in the next twelve months, Stephen would love to tour your home. Call today to set an appointment.
Stephen FitzMaurice, Realtor
1.7% to Sell a Home
Cancel Anytime Policy
Licensed Since 2003

Top 4 Maps for Portland Real Estate Buyers
While shopping online for Portland real estate, it is easy to become inundated with information. The sheer quantity of data available to home buyers can simply be overwhelming, and it can help tremendously to have a visual guide to aid your search. Maps can help clarify and organize information as you explore neighborhoods, research amenities […]

Top 5 Portland, Oregon Earthquake Maps
Yes, there is a certain amount of earthquake risk in Portland. Still, the good news is that geologists are getting better and better at understanding, mapping, and even predicting seismic activity. Maps can also help us be better prepared for disasters by showing resources and hazards. Take a look at these Portland maps before you […]

Portland, Oregon Radon Map – Plus Free Tests (for some).
Updated 08/2024. A perennial Oregon topic is how the influx of migrants from California is affecting life here. But it’s Montana and Idaho we should be worried about. And the migrants I’m referring to aren’t people; they are rocks. “In the Portland metropolitan area, a lot of the rocks and soil underneath the Willamette Valley […]

New Portland, Oregon Flood Map
Updated 10/2024. Floods don’t just destroy homes and carry away vehicles; they also destroy infrastructure and cut off access to the outside world, sometimes for days at a time. When shopping for a home in Portland, having the right tools at hand to understand flood risk is essential. Sometimes, it can be pretty clear that […]

Buying a Portland home? Check Portlandmaps.com first.
Buying a new home starts with research. Not only do you have to find houses on the market, but you need to learn enough about them to determine if they’re a good fit for you. While your real estate agent can help a lot during this process, where do you go if you need additional […]

Top 5 Portland, Oregon Zip Code Maps
Updated 07/2024. You may not think about zip codes when shopping for a home, but understanding how these numeric representations of cities, their neighborhoods, and their districts work helps you gain valuable information when deciding where to live. How do zip codes help us when shopping for a home? How do zip code maps help […]

Top 5 Portland Maps for Sustainability and Livability
Portland is a city that values sustainability. In fact, Portland emerged as the most sustainable city in the country in a recent list by ParkSleepFly, which ranked cities according to renewable energy use and air pollution, among other factors. It’s no secret that Portland has been on the forefront of urban movements to promote sustainability […]

6 Essential Portland, Oregon Maps
We rely on maps every day for a variety of reasons—to find our way around, to locate businesses, and more. Due to our technologically savvy world with virtually everything at our fingertips, we rarely rely on tangible maps anymore, but maps still serve a valuable function to our every day lives. Portland maps take many […]

5 Essential Portland Neighborhood Maps
Updated 11/2024 Maps have existed for thousands of years to help people get where they’re going and educate them on geographies and terrains. While we’re long past the practice of plotting maps on clay tablets and parchment, we still rely on them daily. If you’re considering moving to Portland or a new neighborhood in the […]

A New, Dynamic Portland Real Estate Map
Ever feel like you’re searching for a needle in a haystack while sorting through real estate listings? You know what you want. You know what you don’t want. But how do you find exactly what you’re looking for with so many options and when the market shifts and changes daily, sometimes hourly? We have the […]

Portland Zip Code Map: 2021 Update
Zip codes are just another part of our everyday life, right? We use them, but most of the time don’t think much about them. But understanding how the zip codes work in your area helps when you’re buying or selling a home. Knowing your zip code, or the zip code you’d like to live in, […]

Official Portland Crime Maps and Reports
Whether you’re new to Portland or have lived here for years, it can sometimes be difficult to get an accurate idea of how safe it is out there. News reports focus on attention-grabbing events, and periods of low or no crime never make the headlines. Is it possible for home buyers and sellers to cut […]

Portland Zip Code Map 2020 Update
“What’s the zip?” Zip codes are so much a part of everyday life that we hardly even notice them. Whether shopping for real estate, verifying a credit card or sending a piece of mail, Portland zip codes are a convenient shorthand for location. Also, if you’re new to a city and don’t yet know the […]

Portland Earthquake Maps Guide
Updated 10/2024. Portland does get its fair share of earthquakes, as does Oregon overall, but our state experiences fewer than any other West Coast State. There’s also good news for the future. Geologists are getting better at understanding, mapping, and predicting seismic activity. Maps also continue to improve, helping us stay better prepared for disasters […]

Portland Flood Maps: FEMA 2020 Update
Climate change, winter storms, questionable levees — the average home shopper has many good reasons to consider Portland flood risk before they buy. Your buyers’ real estate agent is a great resource, and should have information on hand about what the flood risk is for a home that you’re interested in. For those who prefer […]

Portland Radon Map and other Hazards – 2019 Update
When it comes to choosing a home to buy in Portland — or anywhere — it’s all about location. Is it near a good school? What’s the neighborhood like? Can you see Mt. Hood? There’s an aspect of location that most people don’t think about right away, but should be just as important in the […]
Stephen made the experience of selling my first house seamless. I live in another state but he kept me informed and moved the process along without a hitch. The only thing another agent could have done differently was charge a much higher commission. I only wish he was able help me purchase in my state. Highly recommend his service and business model.