Portland Real Estate Disclosures for Buyers and Sellers 2013

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In the Portland real estate market, it is vital to provide the buyers and sellers with proper disclosures. These real estate disclosures change depending on whether the property is a regular sale, short sale, estate sale, or foreclosure sale. The disclosures will also change depending on the type of property, townhome, condo, detached, and year built. I’ve attached a few PDFs to this post that contain important Portland real estate disclosures for 2013. The real estate disclosures do not always change year to year, but they tend to change over time. What follows below is not even close to a comprehensive list for Portland real estate disclosures, but it does include some very important highlights.

Oregon Real Estate Agency Disclosure Pamphlet – this document explains the duties and responsibilities of a Portland real estate agent towards both buyers and sellers.

EPA – Protect your Family from Lead in your Home – this document explains the dangers of lead based paint and is used particularly for homes built prior to 1978.

EPA – A Citizen’s Guide to Radon – this document explains the dangers of Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas.

DEQ – FAQ sheet on Oil Tanks in Oregon – this explains oil tank decommissioning and responsibilities of sellers.

DEQ – FAQ sheet on Woodstoves – this helps you find out if a woodstove is certified and what to do if it is not.

OREF – Short Sale Summary for Buyers – gives a basic summary of what to expect in a short sale situation, for the buyer.

OREF – Buyer Advisory on Purchasing Condos / Townhomes – gives you needed information on purchasing a unit in a shared complex.

OREF – Buyer Advisory on Purchasing Foreclosure – gives helpful information on what to expect in an REO transaction.

Again, the above is not a comprehensive list of Portland real estate disclosures, but it might give you a head start if you are thinking about buying or selling real estate in Portland. To receive and understand all the disclosures you need for your particular situation, contact your local Portland real estate agent today! Let me know if I can help.

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