Portland Seismic Retrofit Guide: Earthquake Readiness

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Updated 06/2024.

Better, more comprehensive maps help us understand where the most vulnerable spots are. Seismic retrofitting also makes homes better equipped to handle an earthquake.

How to You Know If Your Home Needs Seismic Retrofitting

Buyers looking at homes built before 1993 should ask the inspector to assess whether retrofitting exists. Sellers may want to consider doing the retrofitting before listing. And if you do choose to retrofit, advertise it!

Why Is Seismic Retrofitting Important?

While reducing your risk to zero during an earthquake or seismic event is impossible, seismic retrofitting can help mitigate potential damage. As one saying goes, “Earthquakes don’t kill people; buildings do,” meaning ensuring your home or business is properly up to code can greatly improve your safety and the safety of others.

New research comes out each year that helps people develop building codes. These codes increase the security of buildings and make catastrophic failures less likely to occur. Many of these codes come from the International Code Council (ICC), which includes the International Building Code (IBC), the International Resident Code (IRC), and the International Existing Building Code (IEBC).

By following the codes created by the ICC and local and state seismic building codes, you can ensure your home is less likely to suffer a catastrophe during a seismic event. Catastrophes tend to happen in areas of your home with less support, such as weakened walls, loose foundation points, or supporting walls that need to be adequately secured. By having your home properly inspected and fitted by a seismic retrofitting professional, you can ensure that these risk points are adequately secured.

Older homes, especially those built before specific codes were implemented in 1974, can be at higher risk for catastrophic failure during a seismic event. It’s essential to have these homes checked by a licensed professional so you can take the necessary steps to safeguard your home against potential disaster.

What Constitutes Seismic Retrofitting in Portland?

At this point, you may be wondering, “Okay, but what would a contractor actually do to protect my home from an earthquake? First, let’s talk about what happens during a significant seismic event. When the ground shakes violently enough, it can cause walls to crack or a home to slide sideways off of its foundation. So, the main focus of earthquake retrofitting is to attach the home to its foundation as securely as possible.

How do we do that? Luckily, Portland, in particular, has a specific guide to help you. Their Bulletin 12, “Residential Seismic Strengthening: Methods to Reduce Potential Earthquake Damage,” clearly outlines what contractors can do. Portland is the only area in Oregon that has created such specific standards. These standards are intended only for homes that meet specific criteria, which you can review in the bulletin. The big takeaway is that the guide pertains to one- to two-family homes with a concrete foundation that is three stories high maximum. Outside of these parameters, an engineer would need to get involved.

If you meet the criteria, though, there are three basic improvements to investigate.

#1 – Bolting the House to the Foundation

In homes built before 1993, the house is often not securely attached to the concrete foundation. A retrofitting contractor can come in and bolt the house itself to the foundation. The wooden frame that sits on the foundation is called a mudsill. It only became common for builders to bolt the mudsill into the concrete in the 1960s. And even then, not everyone did so. According to the Portland government’s bulletin, bolting the mudsill is the most important and cost-effective way to increase structural strength.

#2 – Reinforcing the Cripple Walls

The second most common structural weakness is poorly constructed cripple walls. Cripple walls connect the mudsill/foundation and the home’s actual flooring.


Often older homes often use stucco or wood siding to brace cripple walls. These materials will not protect against earthquakes. A retrofit would require adding plywood to properly support the home’s cripple walls.

#3 – Adding Water Heater Strapping and Automatic Gas Line Shutoff

Portland’s building code requires hot water heaters to be strapped and secured for safety in a seismic event. While many homes already have water heaters secured to wall studs, an older home may need additional strapping for higher security. Also, your chimney may need securing or renovation during a seismic retrofit depending on its age, height, and other factors.

Another solution not required by code is automatic gas shutoff. During a seismic event, this shutoff automatically shuts off the gas to your home, preventing a gas leak should pipes become damaged. While this does not guarantee you’ll have no gas line issues after an earthquake, it does safeguard your house from potential further damage in the event of an earthquake or other seismic event.

How Much Does a Seismic Retrofit Cost in Portland?

Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to this question. The cost of a retrofit will depend largely on your home’s condition. Will you need to both bolt the mudsill and reinforce the cripple walls? And size matters. A larger home with more square footage of foundation will inevitably run at a higher price point.

When looking for a contractor, we recommend getting bids from at least three companies to ensure a fair price. Check out Portland’s tips for finding a contractor.

Seismic Retrofitting Is Important, But It Won’t Earthquake-Proof Your Home

No matter how diligently constructed it may be, no home is earthquake-proof. Seismic retrofitting will minimize the damage to your home in the event of an earthquake. We’d still recommend taking out earthquake insurance as well. In a 2017 study, the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission determined that Oregon’s earthquake insurance industry compares positively to the market in California in terms of affordability. While earthquake insurance doesn’t replace retrofitting, it can bring peace of mind and security.

Additionally, it is a good idea to be prepared for an earthquake in a broader sense. April is the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management’s earthquake preparedness month. So take a moment to check out their resources, which will help your household to have a plan and an emergency kit ready, just in case. And just last month, the earthquake early warning system ShakeAlert™, created by the U.S. Geological Survey, became available in Oregon. Take advantage of these services alongside retrofitting and insurance to stay ahead of the curve in earthquake preparedness.

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